Tag Archives: thriving

September 9, 2013: The Not Even Ready for Bumper-Sticker Philosophy

Brought to you by Blah, Blah, Blah, a division of Book-in-a-Drawer Publications. Trademarked, copyrighted, imprinted, branded, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. The barometer of our evolution towards getting it right is our attitude. Much of human attitude stews in our resentment. We resent. Perhaps it’s about being born, a kind of abandonment. Perhaps it’s about needing so […]

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eThoughts : Slouching Towards Thriving?

Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid. Heinrich Heine Beware again, now it’s random musing that follows. The ants used to build colonies in the garage. I chased them out many times. Then they came to forage and I was okay. As it turns out, it is not […]

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eThoughts : June 1, 2012: Thriving

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society. J. Krishnamurti Beware, musing follows. Thriving, like surviving, is a very individual thing, though there are likely similarities with all folk. However, unlike surviving, I consider thriving to be a win-win—and a win-win in so many facets of our lives […]

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eThoughts : Sometimes I Doan Wanna Pay Attention Any More

Motivation. Hmmm. Sometimes I get lost. What are we doing exactly? I get survival. Seems like a way to keep a certain constancy. There’s some comfort in that. However, one problem with trying to maintain constancy in a dynamic environment is massive energy expenditure. Calorically, it can be a bad return on investment. Unless one […]

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