Tag Archives: responsibility
eThoughts : Just Beyond Projection, Part II
It was 1972, the year I turned 25, and inflation was afoot—at least in my small economic world. Though the year or two before, I could manage to live on five-dollars a day, I now had to have a budget of six-dollars a day. So, when I bought the car while traveling in France—a 1960 […]
Read More- By Travis Gibbs
- On Aug, 13, 2009
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eThoughts : August 1, 2009: Just Beyond Projection, Part I
It was summer of 1971 and we were in a later-model Volkswagen Beetle off on the first leg of a three-week tour of the U.S.—well, as much as we could see in that short a time anyway. It was late at night and we were somewhere east of Phoenix, Arizona. The three of us were […]
Read More- By Travis Gibbs
- On Aug, 01, 2009
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eThoughts : Entertainment and Information
I deal in information, and entertainment—well, sometimes, this stuff may be neither. Nonetheless, both can and do go together very nicely. After all, if I cannot capture the attention of students, I often cannot get their attention, which is what they are in school to practice—even if they think they’re only there to increase future […]
Read More- By Travis Gibbs
- On Oct, 24, 2007
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eThoughts : A Call to Politicians
As yet another presidential election looms, and as all you candidates are vying for attention and influence, perhaps it’s time to not do business as usual. Consider a world where influence is less important than well-being. Perhaps it’s actually crazy to think that you can’t do much if you don’t hold office or institutional power. […]
- By Travis Gibbs
- On Aug, 01, 2007
- eThoughts
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eThoughts : Ahhh, Dissociation
Yeah, now that I’ve beat up on avoidance as a long-term strategy, let’s talk about the art of dissociation. Yep, we don’t much get along and we don’t much feel good and it doesn’t much look good, despite the pockets of well-being. But embracing depression or whatever is wrong isn’t the same as parading our […]
Read More- By Travis Gibbs
- On May, 01, 2007
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eThoughts : Legality and Stewardship
Part of the series It’s All Been Said Before™ (© 2006), a division of Book-In-A-Drawer Publications.™ Before leaving this line of thinking that has occupied the last few postings, I’m going to take another stab at it. Next time I’ll have to find something a little funnier to write about—too much seriousness seems to make […]
Read More- By Travis Gibbs
- On May, 01, 2006
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Recent Thoughts
- February 1, 2025: Peace in the Time of Ugh
- January 1, 2025: The Pi of Life
- December 1, 2024: Making New Arrangements
- November, 1, 2024: America has the Look of Needing a Good Shit
- October 1, 2024: Being-Literacy
- September 1, 2024: The Infodemic
- August 1, 2024: Hair-Trigger Vitriol and Behaviors
- July 1, 2024: Decisions, Decisions
- June 1, 2024: Charm and Harm; Interesting and Intimate
- May 1, 2024: The Inclusion-Exclusion Craziness
- April 2, 2024: A Very Partial Story of an Old Man in the Woods in the Midst of Life’s Transient Things
- March, 1, 2024: Wisdom is Not a Singular Category
- February 1, 2024: Today’s Hunter-Gatherer Hunts for Information
- January 1, 2024: Hijacked: Time for a New Year
- December 1, 2023: Learning, Biology, Communication, Technology, Energy, and Alchemy
Stream of Consciousness
What people are saying
- Travis Gibbs on April 2, 2020: A Very Partial Story of Janis May
- Queenofchaos06 on April 2, 2020: A Very Partial Story of Janis May
- Travis Gibbs on November 1, 2019: The Trouble with Civility, Part II
- Edgar on November 1, 2019: The Trouble with Civility, Part II
- Travis Gibbs on July 1, 2019: Stoical in a Time of General Sorrow?
- Edgar on July 1, 2019: Stoical in a Time of General Sorrow?
- Edgar on January 31, 2019: Mind Hack: Part Deux (see the blog dated December 10, 2016)
- Travis Gibbs on January 31, 2019: Mind Hack: Part Deux (see the blog dated December 10, 2016)
- Edgar on January 31, 2019: Mind Hack: Part Deux (see the blog dated December 10, 2016)
- Travis Gibbs on April 29, 2018: A World of Full of Intersections
- Edgar on April 29, 2018: A World of Full of Intersections
- Travis Gibbs on March 26, 2018: Part IV: Courage
- Edgar on March 26, 2018: Part IV: Courage
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- arianamromero on Contact
- Travis Gibbs on July 17, 2016: Making American Great Again? Telling it like it is?
- deborahdearest on July 17, 2016: Making American Great Again? Telling it like it is?
- Travis Gibbs on June 10, 2016: The Ratings Phenomenon
- adamgc91 on June 10, 2016: The Ratings Phenomenon
- Travis Gibbs on June 7, 2016: Who Can Use the Toilet?
- Immune2Tasers on June 7, 2016: Who Can Use the Toilet?
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- ndelao on Contact
- Travis Gibbs on June 3, 2014: God and Machine
- actions on June 3, 2014: God and Machine
- Travis Gibbs on September 9, 2013: The Not Even Ready for Bumper-Sticker Philosophy
- Travis Gibbs on More Same Ol’, Same Ol’: November 25, 2013
- Lyla on More Same Ol’, Same Ol’: November 25, 2013
- Lyla on September 9, 2013: The Not Even Ready for Bumper-Sticker Philosophy
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- Megan TLe on Contact
- Megan TLe on Contact
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- Megan TLe on Contact
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- Travis Gibbs on Renewal: One : Chasing Our Tails
- Travis Gibbs on More Caring and Less Carrying?: Political Diversions, Part II
- v1felipe on More Caring and Less Carrying?: Political Diversions, Part II
- v1felipe on Contact
- eThoughts: Freedom, Choice, and Enlightenment on Renewal The Non-Ordinary Reference Pages
- eThoughts: Holidays, Good Will, Genuineness, Control, Awareness, Love, Grace, and Experience | Travisgibbs.com on eThoughts : We Are and the Age of Clarity
- eThoughts: Freedom, Choice, and Enlightenment | Travisgibbs.com on Renewal Six : Choice Eventually Limits Choice
- Nice on Renewal: One : Chasing Our Tails