At its heart, Renewal is about how we tend to afflict our awareness through our expectations and how we might meet the challenge to become unencumbered and renew our essential wonder and grace.
In the spirit of building more bridges instead of more moats between us, here’s to letting each other in, to more listening and less “fixing.”
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler
In a world full of politics, influence peddling, and holier-than-thou wannabes, that's why I remain a beta-society member, even if that doesn't stop me from reaching out in the spirit of learning, playing, and connecting.
While you're here, you'll probably find some things to like and perhaps some things to criticize, but to go so far as to either venerate or denigrate what is written misses the point. The entire exercise is about questioning what we do and how we think and live, it is not meant to represent the burning bush of truth.
Welcome to the ride…