eThoughts : Holiday Thoughts: Some Considerations

Written during the 2003 December/January holiday season. (For more Holiday thoughts, go to: Holiday Thoughts for 2004 and 2004 Holiday Thoughts Continued or Holiday Thoughts for 2005 and 2005 Holiday Thoughts Continued, or Holiday Thoughts: 2006 and We Are and the Age of Clarity .)

As we approach another holiday season, I have been thinking about the many problems humans face on a daily basis. This line of thought is just overwhelming and would constitute a book itself. Even those of us who are very lucky still face weird bosses, strange work environments, inattentive and/or rude drivers, customer service people who don’t understand the concept, neighbors who don’t understand the concept, and so on. The sense of alienation can be outright depressing. And again, that is just what many of us who are very lucky face.

So, some holiday thoughts, in a stream of consciousness format, for the lucky humans. Maybe it will bring a prayer and an action for those who are not as fortunate. These thoughts are not mine alone, having been said before in many forms. For references, check the morphogenic field or the Akashic record.

The only things that are perfect have a flaw. Flaws are part of being perfect.

Being intoxicated is being somewhat impaired (though it can be fun). A “warrior” is sober, yet light (as opposed to somber and leaden). In this context, one can be too happy or too sad. These can be addictions and tend to skew us towards one-dimensional beings. That’s why the wiser part of us protests any facet of ourselves that leans too much one way or the other.

In relationships (which we all have, one way or the other), worrying we’ll be hurt or that we will hurt is an acknowledgment that we are not clear about the landscape of crossing and re-crossing the borders of ourselves and others. It is wise to know our limitations. It is also wise to explore what we think are borders and limitations every once in a while. Things change, especially when we are sober and light about our explorations and our limitations (mountains, waters, seasons, thoughts, and feelings all come and go).

It is not possible to live anywhere but in the now. It is just not possible. One cannot re-create the past. As Deepak Chopra said, borrowing in part from the Greek philosopher Heraclitus, you can’t put the same toe in the same water twice.

The present moment is filled with all kinds of diversity, including past experience and future desires.

The only ones who can promise the future, can create the future. Of course, the future can only be created in the now.

The most integrated and complete one can be, is to be present in the present.

It is magic when two people can be present together. It is enchanting when they can do it regularly. When the two know these things, they are smarter, funnier, and safer, both individually and together. Of course, they would be wise to check that they do not suffer from exclusivity, thinking only that their perspectives are magic and/or enchanted.

When a community feels the presence together, the bond is such that it leaves a mark upon the universe. When a people can be present together regularly, there is nothing they cannot accomplish. The legacy they create illuminates beyond time. Of course, they would also be wise to check for exclusivity. A head-strong, self-centered culture, no matter how bonded, can create havoc.

The usual order of this progression is to develop the ability to be present in the present as an individual (the wonders of the earth and the universe are amazing helpmates), as a couple, as a family, then as a community. This progression is not in concrete, but it is an order available to us.

That the progression did not take in one manifestation does not mean it is now unavailable. Because one misses a target (the actual definition of sin) does not eliminate the pathway to the target. The archer knows this and lets go of a miss-take.

Knowing this, let us remember that the gift is the constant availability of being home. Let us remember that home is so many things. It is impossible to know this and not be steeped in love and wonder.

Let the old karmic wheel dissipate, even as we begin to create another one. Make this wheel fun, and let’s do it together if we can. And may all of us, as individuals, as couples, and as a community, both locally and globally, create such wonders as to make our hearts fly.

It is ours to do if we intend it.

So, to those who are reading this and to those who are not, may we all have a magical Holiday season and may the New Year bring great happiness and peace. And may we learn to be able to stand such happiness and peace with even just a fraction of our ability to stand such great pain and suffering.

Can you imagine that?

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