eThoughts : Holiday Thoughts for December 2005

(For more Holiday thoughts, go to: Holiday Thoughts for 2003, 2004 Holiday Thoughts and 2004 Holiday Thoughts Continued, or 2005 Holiday Thoughts Continued), or Holiday Thoughts: 2006, and We Are and the Age of Clarity .)

Yet another year has gone by and it is time for some Holiday reflections. So here are mine.
There is a difference between paying attention to only the negative and not much being able to avoid it. There is a difference between paying attention to only the positive and actually living it. It is my thought that life and awareness require a bit of both attention to the positive and attention to the negative. Overall, that’s probably a positive approach.

It seems nearly impossible to avoid the reality of a society and a world of human rudeness and inattention. The arrogance and self righteousness of those steeped in this dogmatic inattention is no little thing. I am not talking about those few moments of inattention that all of us are guilty of, I’m speaking about the ongoing pattern of rudeness, inattention, and arrogance.

This year seemed to add another chapter to that pattern—it seems like most human beings just don’t consider the trespass they foist on others. Yet this trespass is not the product of evil, it is the product and process of inattention and inconsideration. And this trespass is so prevalent that those who practice a pattern of consideration stand out like stars against the night.

And so this consideration is what I celebrate, without pretending it to be the overall pattern of human behavior.

The distinction between consideration and inconsideration—of honoring the space and stuff of those around us—or blatant trespass, is merely intent. The more that intend consideration, the more it will be. Simple math. This is not the same for human trespass—that reality does not take intent to become manifest, it only takes inattention. So it is a bit harder, on the surface at least, to manifest consideration. On a deeper level and over the long run, I think it is harder to be inattentive, especially when intending consideration is an investment that will pay off. If only one person does it, they will have done all that can be done for themselves and for the creation of a more vigorous and healthy humanity. If many practice consideration, a community becomes a shining light. If most practice it, humanity enters a new plane of awareness and beauty. The sacrifice is simple—give up trespass. The rewards are great—get beauty and joy. That’s little downside and a big upside. That’s also the definition of good decision making.

One reason for the season is to change our normal attention and to bring gifts to the world, as a gesture of both giving and receiving. So, may the Holidays and the New Year bring an end to the pattern of human rudeness and trespass and may we all practice consideration for each other and all that is around us. It’s a good gift to give and a beautiful one to receive.

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