Tag Archives: learning to learn

Renewal Nine : We’re Learning What?

I like teaching, mostly because I’m learning. I have no idea if students are, but I know I am. In fact, I’m very uncomfortable with either the word teacher or student, the hierarchy seems at least partially artificial. The implication that is often derived from the distinction is that teachers are smarter than students. At […]

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Introduction to Renewal

Introduction to Renewal One problem inherent with the process of inquiry is that it may touch the intellect, but it often tends to leave much of the rest of the body out of the process. Of course the idea is to organize our experiences and provide a cohesive framework from which to direct our lives,

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Preface to Renewal

Preface to Renewal Are we products of creation or creators? To what extent are we free to create and to what extent are our beings and our lives determined? How much does intention matter?

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