February 1, 2025: Peace in the Time of Ugh
The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. Edmund Burke
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. Jimi Hendrix
See below for the bumper-sticker version of this post.
There is no Constitutional requirement to love everybody, to break bread with everybody, to lift a glass with everybody. There is zero requirement to be similar. There is a requirement to be civil (even when practicing “civil disobedience” as consequences are still a potential outcome).
There is no such thing as 100% freedom. Get over it. All freedom comes with limitations. If one is abusing “freedom” they are not practicing freedom, they are practicing power.
There is no such thing as all of us are equal. Get over that as well. However, we are all human. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are about promoting and protecting our humanity, not about creating hierarchies of better humans. Some of us are better at some things than others are. Some of us are better than others at certain times and not at other times.
Democracy—especially social democracy (very different from socialism)—is fundamentally about having and making resources (e.g., clean air and water, good food, clothing, good shelter, learning, law, etc.) available to at least all citizens as well as allowing and protecting the freedom of movement to access those resources. It is the job of our leaders to ensure both.
Grifters, whether leaders or individuals, do none of the above unless they are trying to snag resources and freedoms for themselves. Hiring grifters and their sycophants to enforce the law ensures the law will be enforced for all but the grifters and their sycophants.
When we have leaders who are only civil to others who are similar to them, we have dehumanization working the differences between and within each other. Little good will come from that.
As we continue to vote for The Punch and Judy Show (look it up—and I’m happy I’m not the first or only one making the comparison), we are continuing to practice revenge and retribution. And we almost always vote to continue The Punch and Judy Show regardless of what politics are in place. No one can save us from that, short of a critical mass of folks who have the courage to allow others their own space and place as well as the courage to enforce consequences, sans dehumanization. And it is an act of courage–unfortunately.
So here we are again, trying to get others to hear just how angry we are. Nice plan. It ain’t listening if we are only hearing those who agree, or worse, just hearing our own echo chamber.
There is plenty to not like. Always. Why consume the same “food”? Is love all we need? No! We’re embodied, thus there is no one thing we all need to live embodied.
Let’s go bowling. No bumper guards—gutters are there for a reason. Or let’s play badminton or ping pong. The net is there for a reason as are the boundaries. Let’s play at a lot more stuff than we presently do. Play is a wonderful way. It’s a good balm for living in Ugh. And it’s a lot easier practice than to be loving (so far).
Be comfortable with baby-steps even though that’s heaven knocking at our door, saying “do not keep me out anymore.”
The Post in Bumper-Sticker Format:
1) “Power Corrupts, But PowerPoint Presentations Corrupt Faster.”
2) “Civility: You Don’t Have to Like Me, But You Can’t Punch Me Either.”
3) “Freedom Isn’t Free, It’s Just Really Expensive.”
4) “Punch & Judy 2025: A Political Show You Didn’t Ask For.”
5) “I’m Not Saying I’m Right, But I’m Definitely Not Listening To You Either.”
6) “Equality? Sure. But I’m Better at Pizza.”
7) “Bowling Without Bumpers: Just Like Life, But More Fun.”
8) “Love Thy Neighbor—Unless They’re Trying to Borrow Your Lawn Mower.”
9) “Civility Is Not the Same As ‘Agree With Me’.”
10) “Anger: The Only Thing We’re Eating in This Echo Chamber.”
- By Travis Gibbs
- on Jan, 31, 2025
- eThoughts
- No Comments.
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Stream of Consciousness
What people are saying
- Travis Gibbs on April 2, 2020: A Very Partial Story of Janis May
- Queenofchaos06 on April 2, 2020: A Very Partial Story of Janis May
- Travis Gibbs on November 1, 2019: The Trouble with Civility, Part II
- Edgar on November 1, 2019: The Trouble with Civility, Part II
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- Edgar on July 1, 2019: Stoical in a Time of General Sorrow?
- Edgar on January 31, 2019: Mind Hack: Part Deux (see the blog dated December 10, 2016)
- Travis Gibbs on January 31, 2019: Mind Hack: Part Deux (see the blog dated December 10, 2016)
- Edgar on January 31, 2019: Mind Hack: Part Deux (see the blog dated December 10, 2016)
- Travis Gibbs on April 29, 2018: A World of Full of Intersections
- Edgar on April 29, 2018: A World of Full of Intersections
- Travis Gibbs on March 26, 2018: Part IV: Courage
- Edgar on March 26, 2018: Part IV: Courage
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- arianamromero on Contact
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- deborahdearest on July 17, 2016: Making American Great Again? Telling it like it is?
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- Immune2Tasers on June 7, 2016: Who Can Use the Toilet?
- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- ndelao on Contact
- Travis Gibbs on June 3, 2014: God and Machine
- actions on June 3, 2014: God and Machine
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- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- Megan TLe on Contact
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- Travis Gibbs on Contact
- Megan TLe on Contact
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- v1felipe on Contact
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- eThoughts: Freedom, Choice, and Enlightenment | Travisgibbs.com on Renewal Six : Choice Eventually Limits Choice
- Nice on Renewal: One : Chasing Our Tails