eThoughts : Random Holiday Thoughts: Part II

You didn’t think I had finished did you? Nope, I only took a breather, and if you’re here, you went to another page. Hey, it’s a kind of commitment on both our parts.

Why do we have pets? Have you ever thought about what the word pet actually means? It’s either we have ownership or stewardship over a being we’ve decided to have. I like the stewardship part, ownership let’s us off the hook I think. It’s been my observation that most pet owners are just that, owners. We should abandon the term and call people who have pets, pet stewards. It should be against the law to “own” an animal.

Why do we want to get most things for free? It’s the land of freedom, not free stuff. It’s about opportunity, not entitlement.

Why is it that we seem to equate hard work with right work? As an educator—meaning I am supposed to know something about the lie of the educational landscape—it is rather annoying when students presume they’re entitled to pass because they think they’ve worked hard. A beautifully written (like that happens much, but it is a learning curve) research paper isn’t going to pass if the assignment is about something else.

When is it that thinking means circling around the same old thought as opposed to going beyond where one started? The idea of going deeper does not mean digging the old path deeper—that’s called a rut.

When did we forget to question our own beliefs? Are we afraid we’ll have to work some more? Don’t get me wrong, I’m as lazy as the next person, probably lazier, but the entire principle of having a reality outside of our own head, is to test our own head. And let’s not get lost in the subjective/objective hamster wheel description of reality—whether it’s only the inside of our head or only the outside of our head or some combination thereof, the principle of feedback remains. It’s a convoluted, dogmatic brain that believes everything else is supposed to adapt.

When did religion start trumping state again? Why is the body politic going after another’s religion or religion going after another’s politics? Separation isn’t valid? Maybe we should just all become spiritual Siamese twins, conjoined at belief. Look, any idiot can recognize that humans have a diverse set of beliefs—that’s the way it is and it is not likely to change.

Religion is a belief in the way we should be. State, as created in this country by our founding fathers, is a structure to house and care for all, regardless of belief. Join a religion if your beliefs match—being around those of like mind and heart can feel wonderful. But State was configured to deal with differences, where all can thrive, whether of like mind or not. Confusing religious’ beliefs with the structure of State or vice versa will not promote the good of all, only of some. In fact, where we have a State that promotes the good of only some, we have a kind of religion. Until and unless religion—including politics as religion—learns to quit running herd on those who do not believe, it cannot be allowed to mix with the mission of the State as conceived by our forefathers, however badly it has been implemented at times.

It’s a Holiday folks. It means we’re supposed to take a break from doing what we normally do—we’re supposed to remember to celebrate, to remember the gifts we have, and to give to each other. Hey, and to learn how to receive. Hmmm, why is it that we have Holidays? Do we need to be forced to remember, to acknowledge our gifts and the art of giving and receiving? Or perhaps it’s a need to all get more or less on the same page, which can also be to celebrate our differences. It really doesn’t matter, either way or both, just go for it—give well, accept graciously, allow room for others. Whatever your specific beliefs, we could all do well to agree with those tenets.

Happy Holidays folks, whoever and wherever you are. And may all that we influence and all that influence us, feel the joy of our giving, our receiving, and our acceptance of each and everyone of us. If we really get good at it, maybe it won’t be a season anymore, maybe it will just be our way.

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